* 在您報名之前,歡迎瀏覽中國化學會「獎章懶人包」,可以對獎項有更多了解。

Instructions for Thesis Awards Applicants

  1. 為鼓勵國內學生從事創新性化學研究,特設置研究論文獎及辦法。
    The goal of the CSLT Thesis Awards is to encourage students in chemistry to conduct excellent research.
  2. 以碩博士畢業論文參選者,請選擇以下評選領域:「無機化學」、「有機化學」、「物理化學」、「分析化學」、「生物化學/化學生物」、「藥物化學」、「應用化學」、「化學合成」等 8 類。以大專生專題報告參選者,請勾選「大專生新秀獎」。
    Applicants that submit master's thesis or doctoral dissertation for thesis award competition, please select one of the following 8 areas: "Inorganic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry", "Physical Chemistry", "Analytical Chemistry", "Biochemistry and Chemical Biology", "Medicinal Chemistry", "Applied Chemistry" and “Chemical Synthesis”. Applicants that submit undergraduate project reports, please check the "College Student Research Award".
  3. 凡於年會舉辦前18個月 (20229月至20242)畢業之博、碩士生及大專生、在學大專生已有專題研究報告產出者、或因兵役問題無法參加上屆選拔者,皆得經指導教授推薦報名參加研究論文獎之選拔。連續兩年以相同畢業論文或專題研究報告重複申請者,應取消其申請資格。(註:請務必上傳本獎項要求之碩博士畢業論文或大專專題報告,期刊論文僅為參考資料。)
    Students who graduated with a master's or doctoral degree, as well as undergraduate students and current college students who have finished research reports for their projects within the 18 months prior to the 2024 Chemistry National Meeting (September 2022 – February 2024), or those unable to participate in the 2023 Chemistry National Meeting due to obligation of serving the compulsory military service, are eligible for the Thesis Awards applications upon recommendation by their advisors. Applicants who submit applications with the same degree thesis/dissertation or project report for two consecutive years will have their eligibility revoked. (Note:  Upload of degree thesis/dissertation or college project report is mandatory. Published papers are deemed as supplementary materials.)
  1. 年會報名註冊完成後,方可進行投稿。
    Online registration prior to submission is mandatory.
  2. 一個報名序號只能投稿一個領域。
    Each account holder is allowed to submit to ONE category.
  3. 2024/02/04研究論文獎申請截止。當晚 12 點前為上傳最後期限。
    Submission of application must be completed by February 4, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM.
  4. 研究論文獎Q&A
    Thesis Awards Q&A
(1) 需準備那些資料呢? What application materials are needed?

碩博士研究論文獎項:報名表、指導教授推薦函 (由指導教授上傳)、碩/博學位論文 (無特定格式,請上傳既有論文即可)、其他參考資料。

大專生新秀獎:報名表、指導教授推薦函 (由指導教授上傳)、專題研究報告 (無特定格式,請上傳既有報告即可)、其他參考資料。

Required documents for applications:
Graduate level awards: Fill in the online application form, recommendation letter (submitted online by the advisor), thesis/dissertation (please upload original version in any format), and supplementary materials.

Undergraduate award: Fill in the online application form, recommendation letter (submitted online by the advisor), research report (please upload original version in any format), and supplementary materials.

(2) 去年因兵役問題無法參加,今年還有機會嗎?(This Q/A is only for Taiwanese students)

答:有。2021 年 9 月至 2022 年 8 月因兵役問題無法參加上屆選拔者,歡迎報名參加。

(3) 今年升碩(博)一年級的研究生,還沒有學位論文產出,可以報名嗎?I do not have a degree, yet. Can I apply for the award?

答:請多加努力,於完成畢業論文後參加。然而,年會舉辦前18個月完成之學士級專題研究報告,可以參加不分領域之大專生新秀獎(College Student Research Award)的選拔;年會舉辦前18個月完成之碩士學位論文,可參加各領域的研究論文獎。

Graduate students who have completed their degree thesis/dissertation are eligible for applying the Thesis Awards. First-year graduate students and undergraduate students are welcomed to participate in the College Student Research Award with their undergraduate research report carried out in Taiwan.

(4) 去年沒有得獎,今年還可以報名嗎?I applied this award last year, may I apply again?


Previous applicants and recipients of the thesis awards are not eligible. However, undergraduate students can still become eligible if they submit a research report that is different from that of the last year.

(5) 有限制各系所名額嗎?How many applications are allowed from a department?


There are no restrictions on the number of nominations from a department.

(6) 一定要報名年會才能參加選拔嗎?Do I have to register the National Chemistry Meeting to enter the competition for the thesis award?


Online registration of the annual meeting is mandatory. Refund is available for those who are not invited to attend the oral contest and are unable to attend the annual meeting.

(7) 參加『研究論文獎』,因已經上傳電子檔,是否還需要寄送紙本論文? Do I have to mail the print version of my application materials through post office?


Applicants do not need to deliver a print version of their application materials.

(8) 參加研究論文獎評選,若有多個檔案該如何處理?I have several files as supplementary materials. What should I do?

答:學位論文或專題研究報告是一個單獨的 PDF 檔,其他補充資料請合併為一個 PDF 檔後上傳。兩個檔案的檔案大小均需在 60 MB 以下。

Supplementary files must be prepared in a single PDF file. File must not exceed 60 MB.

(9) 研究論文獎沒有進入複試(口試)的學生是否也會收到通知? Will I be informed if not selected for the oral contest?

答: 所有申請者將於年會前收到審查結果通知。請參加口試者準備一份簡報,並於指定時間及地點參與口試。得獎名單會於網頁公告,並於閉幕典禮頒發禮金及獎狀予得獎人。

All applicants will receive a decision notification by email before the annual meeting. For those selected for the oral contest, you will need to make a presentation at a designated time and venue to a panel of referees. The list of awardees will be announced on the 2024CNM Website prior to the closing ceremony. The awardees will receive a certificate and a cash prize at the closing ceremony of the Chemistry National Meeting.   


Apply for Thesis Awards


Tamkang University


Chemicals Administration


Chemical Society Located in Taipei (CSLT)

Secretariat of 2024 CNM

   Ms. Alice Tsao (Conference, Registration, Submission)

   Tel: +886-2-2242-4277 / +886-958-295-015

  E-mail: 2024cnm@gmail.com

   Ms. Shirley Wu (Sponsorship and Exhibition)

   Tel: +886-2-2242-4277 / +886-918-888-836

  E-mail: 2024cnm.sponsor@gmail.com