Shou-qian International Conference Center, Tamkang University
自行開車 Driving

- 國道1號五股交流道-北上出口於(五股 八里)出口下交流道,遵照泰山/新莊號誌指示,沿新五路二段右轉成泰路,接著走龍米路一段,接著上關渡大橋為靠右走,接著走民權路(淡水市區)接中正東路一段,於淡水捷運站前右轉學府路直上淡江大學。
- 國道1號南下於重慶北路出口下交流,走重慶北路四段,叉路處靠左於承德路五段向左轉,沿承德路行至七段接著走民權路(淡水市區),再走中正東路一段直到淡水捷運站,右轉學府路直上淡江大學。
校園公車時刻表 Bus Schedule
紅28 / R28
- 往淡江大學
路線:捷運淡水站→鄧公里→ 淡江柏園→文宏廣場→學府路口→淡江大學城→淡江大學
車程約10-15分鐘 - 往淡水捷運站
紅27 / R27
- 往淡江大學
車程約20-25分鐘 - 往淡水捷運站
大眾運輸 Public Transport

- 搭乘捷運 (MRT)
搭乘捷運至捷運淡水站,於客運站轉乘公車「R27」或「R28」路線至淡江大學站,下車即可抵達。 (Take the MRT to Tamsui Station, then transfer to bus routes "R27" or "R28" at the bus station to reach Tamkang University Station. Get off the bus there to arrive at your destination.)
- 搭公車 (Bus)
於客運站搭乘公車「R27」或「R28」路線至淡江大學站,下車即可抵達。 ( From the bus station, take bus routes "R27" or "R28" to Tamkang University Station. Get off the bus there to arrive at your destination.)
More infomration: https://ebus.gov.taipei/EBus/VsSimpleMap?routeid=0411002700&gb=1
More infomration: https://ebus.gov.taipei/EBus/VsSimpleMap?routeid=0411002800&gb=0
- 搭高鐵、台鐵 (Taiwan High Speed Rail / Railway)
搭乘高鐵、台鐵至台北車站,並轉乘紅線捷運淡水線至捷運淡水站,於客運站轉乘公車「R27」或「R28」路線至淡江大學站,下車即可抵達。 ( Take the Taiwan High Speed Rail or Taiwan Railway to Taipei Main Station, then transfer to the Red Line of the MRT Tamsui Line to Tamsui Station. From there, transfer to bus routes "R27" or "R28" at the bus station to reach Tamkang University Station. Get off the bus there to arrive at your destination. )
- 步行 (Walking)
捷運淡水站步行(約15分鐘)捷運站對面中油加油站旁之英專路,進入英專路走到底,上坡右轉後會看到左手邊有石階,拾階而上(克難坡共133階)即可到達。 (From Tamsui Station, walk (approximately 15 minutes) across the street from the MRT station to the side of the CPC gas station on Yingzhuan Road. Walk straight down Yingzhuan Road, then take a right uphill. You'll see stone steps on your left-hand side. Climb up these steps (a total of 133 steps) to reach your destination.)